Housing Resources in Athens-Clarke County

(706) 546-8293
Options for out-of-town families in emergent situations or residents facing a one-time financial need. It can help them pay their rent, mortgages, energy bills, and much more. There is also case management around housing and employment matters.
Athens Area Homeless Shelter
(706) 354-0423
While there is a homeless shelter, they also operate housing first rapid rehousing programs. They help the poor, homeless transition into permanent homes. They include short term partial rental payment assistance, job training, GED, computer classes, transitional housing drug and alcohol abuse, food, shelter, and more.
Athens Department of Community Affairs
(404) 327-7912
They run the TANF cash assistance program in Georgia. It can provide money for rent, housing, and more, but is only for very low income families and those in poverty. Cash can also help the disabled, elderly, or single moms/dads in Clarke County.
Athens Housing Authority
(706) 425-5300
Very low income families, the poor, elderly, and senior may qualify for a HUD housing choice voucher. It can pay a portion of rent. There are also income based apartments, self-sufficiency, and other services. Rent subsidized housing is offered from section 8 housing choice vouchers. The government aid can help the low income, poor, or seniors pay for housing including rent, mortgages, or utilities. Job programs, public housing, and other support is given too.
ARK - Senior Rent Assistance (NOAH)
(706) 548-8155
Applicants to the housing and rent programs need to be 55 or older. Supportive housing takes care of medical needs. The elderly need to pay a portion of their income for rent.
Beech Haven Baptist Church
(706) 548-7084
The Christian charity helps the poor. Furniture, emergency rent assistance, and other support.
Ebenezer Baptist Church - West
(706) 543-9644
This community ministry provides financial assistance, food, and clothes to those in need.
Family Promise
(706) 425-1881
Programs in Clarke County include homeless shelter, loans, rent or deposit help, storage assistance, and more. They help the homeless rehousing and also stop evictions. Homeless prevention and stability services are offered. Get referrals to, or access to, emergency rent or deposit help. They partner with many local churches on shelters, financial aid, and other housing resources.
Live Forward - formerly AIDS Athens
(706) 542-2437
Rent assistance is only for people with HIV and/or AIDs.
Project Safe is only for women/children fleeing abuse
(706) 549-0922
The components range from shelter, to homeless prevention rehousing, legal aid, grants to pay rental deposits or moving expenses and more. The goal is to keep clients safe.
Salvation Army of Athens and Clarke County
(706) 543-5350
They only run the UWNEGA program, which is for rent to stop homelessness. Applicants need proof of income and expenses as well as copy of lease. There is also an emergency shelter, job placement, and other aid.
St. Joseph Charities
(706) 549-4208
No walk ins accepted. Any funds for rent, security deposits, or utility bill are only paid out once per 4 months.
Timothy Baptist Church - Financial Assistance
(706) 549-1435
Applicants need an eviction notice to have any chance to get money for paying their rent. There is also emergency financial aid for energy bills if gone unpaid and could cause a disconnection.